Kevin Perlmutter
Kevin Perlmutter is chief strategist & founder of Limbic Brand Evolution – a brand strategy and neuromarketing consultancy. He loves to work with CMOs, brand and business leaders who have set out to make people’s lives better – helping them create stronger connections between their brand and the people who they want to reach. He’s created the Limbic Sparks® approach to brand strategy, and turns emotional insight into a competitive advantage to more effectively evolve brand strategy, messaging, offerings, and experiences that deepen brand engagement and loyalty. Prior, Kevin led strategy, innovation, and research at a sonic branding studio where he created an award-winning neuroscience research capability to assess the subconscious impact of stimulus on emotion, brand, and behavior. Earlier at Interbrand, he led client strategy and identity evolution, and created Interbrand’s customer experience practice. Kevin is a frequent writer and speaker.
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