The Roundtable #38
Brand Culture Inside & Out
In a time when political power and trust dwindles, brands big and small have the opportunity to make the real difference: to discover the rewards that come from giving their employees hope, creative freedom, and engaging work environments that go beyond bonuses and playful offices. Our organizations have the unprecedented ability to partner with our people, both employees and customers, in the creation and preservation of values worth “fighting the good fight” for. To learn more about how we can achieve this, we asked some of the speakers from REBELS AND RULERS 2019 to share their thoughts and expertise on brand culture:
· Richard Swain, Group Vice President at Huge
· Hans Brouwer, Founder and CEO, MassiveMusic
· Eric Solomon, Chief Marketing Officer at Novio
· Dominik Prinz-Barley, Partner at cg42
· Anuraag Trikha, former Global Director at Heineken
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