Don’t Panic! No. 15
Erik Rauterkus and Muhammad Saigol, Co-Founders of July
“My window A/C is beautiful and so easy to install”, said no one ever. Not until today, that is.
July, an ambitious new startup, set out to disrupt an outdated category by offering people beautifully designed products through a seamless end-to-end CX, betting on the fact that customers want more variety in their search for the perfect appliance.
But launching a brand during a global pandemic is no easy feat. Brandingmag sat down with founders Erik Rauterkus and Muhammad Saigol to talk about how they overcame some of their biggest challenges and where they are on their journey of creating the most beloved consumer appliances brand of the 21st century.
Interested in learning more? Download the latest Don’t Panic! interview here.
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